Detail Laporan TA : Torih

Torih (2021) Sistem Monitoring Dan Kontrol Valve Untuk Aliran Air Pada IPA ( Instalasi Pengolahan Air ) Menggunakan Sensor Arus Dan Tegangan Berbasis IoT ( Internet Of Things ) Tugas Akhir, Teknik
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu.

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This study aims to develop a monitoring and control system based on IoT (Internet of Things) using current and voltage sensors for Water Treatment Plants (WTP). The system is designed to provide real-time information on voltage, current, power, and pump energy, while addressing challenges such as electrical overload and unstable voltage. The use of "Normally Close" solenoid valves ensures accurate control and safety in emergency conditions. Integration with Blynk software enables remote monitoring and control of the system. The results indicate significant improvements in reliability and operational efficiency, as well as reductions in failure risks and downtime. This research offers an innovative solution to enhance efficiency, reliability, and safety in water management at WTPs.

Tipe Dokumen :  Tugas Akhir
Prodi :  D3 Teknik Pendingin dan Tata Udara
Mahasiswa :  Torih
Instansi :  Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
Pembimbing : Bobi Khoerun, S.Pd.,MT |  - 
Jurusan :  Teknik
Angkatan :  2021
Tanggal Penerbit :  19 September 2024 10:48
Url :  -