Detail Laporan TA : Muhammad Rizky Pratama

Muhammad Rizky Pratama (2020) Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Pada Aplikasi Rute Perjalanan Kurir Skripsi, Teknik Informatika
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu.

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Expedition is an important factor in sending goods in this rapidly changing era, because it can help the general public who need delivery services. The process of delivering goods by couriers includes the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), where a courier must follow a strict routine to get from the first point to the second point and each point must be completed once. The solution to this problem is to apply a genetic algorithm to the calculation of courier travel routes. The analytical method used is quantitative. The research was carried out using the python application. A genetic algorithm includes an initial population, evaluation process, selection, crossover, and mutation until a solution is produced. The shortest route found for two cycles was found to pass through 7 points and had a total distance of 4405m.

Tipe Dokumen :  Skripsi
Prodi :  D4 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
Mahasiswa :  Muhammad Rizky Pratama
Instansi :  Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
Pembimbing : Robieth Sohiburoyyan, S.Si.,M.Si. |  - 
Jurusan :  Teknik Informatika
Angkatan :  2020
Tanggal Penerbit :  05 September 2024 18:57
Url :  -