Detail Laporan TA : Cindy Apriliyani

Cindy Apriliyani (2021) Sistem Question Answering Dokumen Wikipedia Menggunakan Model Pra-latih IndoBERT Tugas Akhir, Teknik Informatika
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu.

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In this digital era, the demand for fast and accurate information is increasing. Question Answering (QA) systems provide a solution for obtaining relevant answers without the need to browse through long texts, such as articles or web pages. However, implementing QA systems is not easy, especially in the context of the Indonesian language, which requires a deep understanding of language variations and different contexts. This study proposes the use of the pre-trained IndoBERT model to enhance the effectiveness of QA systems in Indonesian. The proposed system performs three main tasks: question analysis, document retrieval from the Wikipedia API, and answer extraction. By integrating IndoBERT and using the Wikipedia API, this system not only better handles questions in Indonesian but also provides fast and accurate answers, allowing users to obtain the necessary information without reading through lengthy texts. The results of this study can support the development of information technology, particularly in facilitating access to and understanding of information in the context of the Indonesian language. Keywords: Question Answering, Pre-Training IndoBERT, Wikipedia.

Tipe Dokumen :  Tugas Akhir
Prodi :  D3 Teknik Informatika
Mahasiswa :  Cindy Apriliyani
Instansi :  Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
Pembimbing : Mohammad Yani, S.T., M.T., M.Sc |  - 
Jurusan :  Teknik Informatika
Angkatan :  2021
Tanggal Penerbit :  28 Agustus 2024 11:26
Url :  -