Detail Laporan TA : Fifi Alfiani

Fifi Alfiani (2021) Implementasi Terapi Relaksasi Nafas Dalam Pada Tn. S Dengan Nyeri Akut Di RSD Gunung Jati Kota Cirebon Tugas Akhir, Kesehatan
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu.

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Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. It appears as brownish red urine like the color of Coca-Cola. Hematuria is a sign of abnormalities in the kidneys and urinary tract. The aim of this study was to determine the implementation of deep breathing relaxation therapy and to reduce pain in patients with hematuria. The method used in this research is using a design, a method or strategy in research to uncover certain cases. The subjects used were hematuria patients with acute pain nursing problems. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive analysis using interview methods, physical examination and laboratory examination. The results of this study show that the implementation of deep breathing relaxation therapy is effective in reducing pain as indicated by using the NRS (Numerical Rating Scale) scale, reducing the pain scale from 6 to pain scale 3 with a range of 0 - 10. With this research, it is hoped that hematuria patients with acute pain can Independent deep breathing relaxation technique to relieve pain. Keywords: Hematuria, Acute Pain, Deep Breathing Relaxation Therapy

Tipe Dokumen :  Tugas Akhir
Prodi :  D3 Teknik Keperawatan
Mahasiswa :  Fifi Alfiani
Instansi :  Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
Pembimbing : Sally Yustinawati Suryatna, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep. |  - 
Jurusan :  Kesehatan
Angkatan :  2021
Tanggal Penerbit :  07 Mei 2024 18:44
Url :  -