RIZQIA QUTROTUNNADA (2020) Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Thermoelectric Pada Box Pendingin Buah Apel Kapasitas 2 Kg Menggunakan Komponen Pendukung Icepack Tugas Akhir, Teknik Pendingin & Tata Udara
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu.

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The increasing demand for apples in the market is one of the regional potentials to increase the productivity of apples in the region. However, post-harvest handling is still a problem that is often encountered in fruit growers. There are still many farmers who do simple post-harvest handling. For this reason, a tool is needed that can store apples to make them more durable and the fruit remains fresh. Manufacture of thermoelectric-based cooling boxes for storage of apples assisted by fans, heatsinks, coldsinks, and icepacks. The purpose of this study is to store apples with thermoelectric (TEC) 1-12706 temperature in accordance with ashrae 2006 which is a temperature of 12oC. The test method uses 2 thermoelectric 4 icepack and 4 thermoelectric 4 icepack assisted electric power with power supply. From the test results using a load of 2 kg apple products using 2 thermoelectric 4 icepacks, namely at a temperature of 12oC and for apples 2 kg using 4 thermoelectric 4 icepacks, namely at a temperature of 8 ° C, each test was carried out for 60 minutes. Performance results using 2 thermoelectrics resulted in a COP of 0.23 while using 4 thermolectrics resulted in a COP of 0.40. The efficiency resulting from the two variations is 23% and 40% respectively Keywords : Thermoelectric, temperature, box, performance

Tipe Dokumen :  Tugas Akhir
Prodi :  D3 Teknik Pendingin dan Tata Udara
Instansi :  Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
Pembimbing : AA Setiawan, ST.,MT |  Ferry Sugara, ST.,M.Eng 
Jurusan :  Teknik Pendingin & Tata Udara
Angkatan :  2020
Tanggal Penerbit :  27 September 2023 11:07
Url :  -