Detail Laporan TA : ERLIN MARESTA

ERLIN MARESTA (2020) Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Mandiri Berbasis Website Menggunakan Framework Laravel Tugas Akhir, Teknik Informatika
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu.

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Independent learning media is very important to support learning needs outside the school environment. In the era of technological development, online learning media is very much needed with various variants of learning classes. According to the results of my research, children or students tend to be more interested in learning independently online, especially through video material. This learning media aims to record the experience of a mentor through ratings and reviews that have been carried out by participants. This research has produced a Website-Based Independent Learning Media application built using the Laravel framework. The app is designed to serve three types of users: admins, mentors and participants. The development of this application follows the waterfall method. After going through a series of black box testing, all application features turned out to be running well. The results of the questionnaire filled out by the general public showed a significant level of satisfaction, namely 83.9% of mentor users and 86.2% of participant users, with an average total satisfaction of 87.1%. Thus, based on the results of this questionnaire test, it can be concluded that this application has been running well.

Tipe Dokumen :  Tugas Akhir
Prodi :  D3 Teknik Informatika
Mahasiswa :  ERLIN MARESTA
Instansi :  Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
Pembimbing : Adi Suheryadi, S.ST.,M.Kom |  - 
Jurusan :  Teknik Informatika
Angkatan :  2020
Tanggal Penerbit :  07 September 2023 08:02
Url :  -