Detail Laporan TA : RISKI ANIKA
Tugas Akhir, Teknik Pendingin & Tata Udara
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu.
According to Rasyaf (1990), eggs are a collection of food provided by the
mother fowl for the development of embryos into chicks in a container. The
contents of the egg will run out once the egg has hatched. Eggs are composed of
three main parts: the egg shell, the clear liquid, and the yellow liquid.
According to Sudaryani (2003), eggs have a high protein content and have a
complete protein composition, but the fat content in them is high. In general,
chicken eggs and duck eggs are eggs that are most often consumed by the
community because they contain abundant nutrients. Eggs are very good for
consumption by people of all ages.
Because of this, the community's demand for eggs is increasing, the
increasing number of market demands for eggs has caused some egg
farmers/breeders to experience difficulties. Therefore, in this final project, I
created and designed an egg incubator using Arduino Uno and a DHT22 sensor
as a temperature detector.
Control of temperature and humidity will be displayed through the LCD,
setting the brightness of the lights will be regulated by the Dimer and Servo
Motor, the temperature will be detected by the DHT22 sensor.
From the results of the study, it was found that if the temperature on the egg
incubator displayed by the LCD showed a temperature of 36 ° C then the light
would light up brightly, if the temperature displayed on the LCD reached 38 ° C
then the light would be slightly dim, then the lamp will dim and start to lower the
temperature until it returns to normal, which is 36°C as the normal temperature.
This system will continue to repeat until the eggs hatch, which takes 28 to 30 days
to incubate the chicken eggs.
Key words: Egg, Egg incubator temperature control system, sensor DHT22
Tipe Dokumen : |
Tugas Akhir |
Prodi : |
D3 Teknik Pendingin dan Tata Udara |
Mahasiswa : |
Instansi : |
Politeknik Negeri Indramayu |
Pembimbing : |
Karsid, ST.,MT.,M.Sc | Wardika, S.ST.,M.Eng |
Jurusan : |
Teknik Pendingin & Tata Udara |
Angkatan : |
2019 |
Tanggal Penerbit : |
09 September 2022 13:42 |
Url : |
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